May 14, 2012

Woman arrested after assaulting another woman

Islamorada – An Islamorada woman was arrested for burglary and battery Saturday after she entered another woman’s residence, threatened her with a knife and beat her.

The incident took place Friday and was reported on Saturday. The victim told Deputy Luis Gomez she hesitated to report the incident at first because of her immigration status but decided to call after the suspect called her and threatened to do it again.

She said she was in her Islamorada home, in the bathroom, when the suspect,  21 year old Miriam Gonzalez, walked in with a knife in her hand and began yelling at her. She said Gonzalez’ boyfriend walked in behind her and took the knife from her, but she said Gonzalez attacked her dragging her out of the bathroom. She said they continued to fight and Gonzalez punched her numerous times in the head and face. She said at one point she tried to call for help on her call phone, but Gonzalez threw the phone across the room.

She said she was finally able to get away and run outside. She called the Sheriff’s Office after threats by the suspect to repeat the beating.

On Saturday, after the victim reported the incident, Deputy Gomez went to the suspect’s place of work. She told him she knew why he was there. She said she had been helping the victim financially since the victim had come from Honduras. She said recently, she’d heard the victim was talking about her and it upset her. She said that is why she went to the house on Friday.

Gonzalez was arrested, charged with burglary, aggravated assault and battery and she was booked into jail.

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