January 7, 2016

Sheriff announces next Citizen’s Police Academies

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office will be holding its next Citizen’s Police Academies starting in February and we are looking for people who are interested in learning more about law enforcement and the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office.

Classes will begin the week of February 23rd  and will continue through graduation the week of April 13th. There will be three separate academies held during that time – one each in the Lower, Middle and Upper Keys. Attendees will be asked to commit to spending one night a week between the hours of 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. They will also be asked to participate in at least one ride-along with a deputy during the academy period. All participants will be asked to attend the last session at the Sheriff’s Office hanger at the Marathon airport. Otherwise classes will be held in the individual district holding the academy. Note: there will be no classes held during the week of Easter.

  • In the Upper Keys, classes will meet at the Roth Building on Plantation Key.
  • In the Middle Keys, classes will meet at the Sheriff’s Office Aviation Hanger in Marathon.
  • In the Lower Keys, classes will meet at the Sheriff’s Headquarters building on Stock Island.

“If you have always wanted to know more about law enforcement this is a terrific opportunity,” said Sheriff Rick Ramsay. “We’ve held academies like this for the past four years and everyone who has attended really enjoyed themselves. We don’t just stand in a classroom and lecture; you will have the opportunity to have a hands-on law enforcement experience if you attend one of these academies,” he said.

Classes will include:
  • An orientation and introduction to patrol procedures
  • A tour of one of the jail facilities
  • Introduction to weapons: simunitions and Taser
  • Traffic / Felony stops
  • Crime Scene Investigations, including a hands on mock crime scene
  • Building searches
  • Introduction to specialty units: SWAT, Bomb, Dive, Major Crimes and Special Investigations

Space is limited, so anyone who is interested should contact the captain in the area where they wish to attend.

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