March 3, 2016

Traffic alert for Key Largo this weekend:

Just a reminder that the 2016 National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s “Bike MS Breakaway to Key Largo” bike ride is this weekend. Riders will be in the Keys on both days, first riding southbound on Saturday, then returning northbound on Sunday.

On Saturday, bikes will be on Card Sound Road beginning at about 8:45 a.m. They will travel south and cross the highway in groups at the 106 mile marker with the help of a Sheriff’s deputy to ensure their safety and that traffic is disrupted the least amount possible. The crossings are scheduled to take place between 10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The riders will then proceed south on the bike path, crossing the highway in groups again at Ocean Bay Drive / Atlantic Blvd (between 10:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.) and ending at Key Largo Resorts at the 99.3mm on the Oceanside of the highway. There will be approximately 825 bike riders participating in the Florida Keys portion of the ride.

On Sunday, riders will start north at 7 a.m. crossing in groups at the same two locations with the assistance of Sheriff’s deputies. They should be back in Miami-Dade County by noon on Sunday.

Deputies have been hired by the ride organizers to work at various locations along the route, to ensure bike riders are safe and that traffic disruptions are kept to a minimum. Those planning to travel through the Key Largo area should plan extra time, however, as some slowdowns are unavoidable.

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