May 4, 2016

Teen charged with auto burglary

A 15 year old Key Largo boy was arrested after a vehicle owner caught him inside her vehicle, burglarizing it.

The victim’s car was parked at her home on Bahia Avenue in Key Largo. The victim called at 10:30 p.m. Tuesday to report finding a teenage male in the car. She gave Sheriff’s dispatchers a description – a young, tall, slim black male wearing a baseball hat and dark colored shirt. She said he took off running when she confronted him.

Arriving Deputy Luis Sanchez spotted a young man fitting the description in the area and stopped him. The victim identified the 15 year old as the person who had been in her car. The teen admitted to looking for unlocked cars to burglarize because, he said, he’d lost all his money playing pool at Skipper’s Restaurant.

The 15 year old was arrested. He was charged with vehicle burglary and trespassing and he was turned over to the Department of Juvenile Justice for processing.

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