February 10, 2017

Marathon man charged with robbery

A Marathon man was arrested for the February 2nd robbery of a man on his way home from work.

The victim told Deputy Matthew Corey he was riding his bike home from work at about 9:45 p.m. He said he was in the vicinity of the Fairway Market in Marathon when he rode past two men who were walking on the sidewalk. He said he’d seen the men before, around town.

He said one of the men asked him for a cigarette and he stopped to give them one. As he was getting a cigarette out of the pack, the men attacked him. They punched him, knocking him off his bike and onto the ground. They continued to kick and punch him, then rummaged through his pockets. They took his cell phone and his bicycle. They asked him for money, but he said he didn’t have any.

Detective Leon Bourcier was assigned to investigate the case. He received information one of the suspects might be 21 year old Cordney Hayes. The victim was able to make a positive identification of Hayes as one of the men who robbed him. A warrant was issued for Hayes and he was picked up on Thursday. He was charged with robbery and battery and he was booked into jail.

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