March 3, 2017

Vehicle owner finds burglar asleep in his car

The owner of a 1995 Chevy Blazer parked his car overnight near the CVS Pharmacy on Stock Island. When he checked the vehicle the next morning, he found someone had broken into it and was sleeping inside.

Deputy Jon Riggs responded to the area at 7 a.m. today. When he arrived, the owner was on scene and 39 year old Donald Geib was still sleeping in the vehicle’s passenger seat. Geib had broken a window to gain access. A wrench was jammed in the vehicle’s ignition as if someone had tried to start it.

When the deputy woke him up, Geib said he had permission to be sleeping inside. He said he didn’t know who owned the vehicle, but he had permission.

The owner denied giving anyone permission to break into his vehicle and sleep inside. The vehicle was in disarray; it appeard Geib had ransacked it and a pipe used for smoking drugs was found on the floorboard.

Geib was arrested. He was charged with criminal mischief, burglary, theft and possession of drug paraphernalia.

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