April 5, 2016

Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run coming up

The annual Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run is set for this Friday, April 8th at 9 a.m. It will start at the Florida Keys Community College Public Safety Building on Stock Island at 9 a.m.

Local law enforcement agencies and members of the community will run in a group through the streets of Key West carrying the Special Olympics torch in a kick off to the Florida State Special Olympics games.

Runners will meet at the FKCC campus Friday morning, with the run kicking off at 9 a.m. The group of runners will be stopping to meet and greet Monroe County School children and Special Olympics athletes. Stops will include:

                 Gerald Adams Elementary School
                 Sheriff’s Office Headquarters Building, Stock Island
                 Publix Supermarket in Key Plaza (Publix is a major contributor to Special Olympics)
                 Poinciana Elementary School
                 Key Wet High School
                 HOB School
                 Glenn Archer School
                 MARC House

There will be a ceremonial “hand-off” of the torch from the Sheriff’s Office to Key West Police at the Southernmost Point, and the run will then continue to Mallory Square where it ends.

There will be water stops at all the schools and the pace will be slow – no faster than 10 minute miles. Runners can choose to run the entire time, or just select legs of the journey. Support vehicles will accompany the runners.

Anyone can register to participate in the run by contacting Jim Painter at jpainter@keysso.net or 305-292-7027 or Jo Socha jsocha@keysso.net or 305-292-7042. Jo also has T-shirts for purchase before the run or on the day of the run.

Thanks to Publix for being a major sponsor of the Torch Run and of Special Olympics.

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